Color Affects

Color, the most subjective of all the elements of art, can profoundly affect the viewer. Each of us perceives color individually, not only in terms of the color we see reflected back at us, but in the way we are moved by that color. “Color Affects” allows each pigment to make a statement. This exhibition of 19 works of art, juried by Catherine Ellis celebrates both color and each artists’ response to it.

Exhibition catalog

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Dianne Koppisch Hricko

Barbara James

Judy Langille

Mary-Ellen Latino

Joy Lavrencik

Exhibiting artists

Russ Little

Sherri Lipman McCauley

Barbara Schneider

Peggy Sexton

Wrenn Slocum

Priscilla Smith

Connie Tiegel

Mary Tyler

Mary Vaneecke

Artwork by Dianne Koppisch Hricko